The cooler weather is here and, we have talked about a lot of ways to save energy dollars all year so let’s talk about one that works both winter and summer. You could be losing money at the duct to vent connections. The codes now require that all joints be wrapped with a duct tape and then sealed with mastic. The zip-ties and duct tape of the past eventually loosen and the seal is broken allowing hot and cold air to leak out of the duct. The fix is simple. You can purchase a high quality duct tape (usually bright, reflective, silver) and re-wrap the joints. Once a joint is wrapped use a 3” flexible tape knife or 3” disposable paint brush to cover the joint with mastic that is designed to seal the ductwork. Both the tape and the mastic are available at most any home center or hardware store. Get the latex base mastic. It is effective and much easier to apply and to clean up. Tackle one or two rooms a day until you get the whole house done. You’ll save money and improve the comfort level in your home.
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